My story
Once I heard that the notorious story of their inventor hid behind the significant discoveries that changed the world. Even my story is worth it. A story that I have survived on my own skin and which has brought me on the path of long search. During this trip I managed to find something that changed my life. What I found helped and still helps not only me, but many others.
JODA ORGANIKA® products contain ORGANIC, a pure, effective and safe form of iodine!
Did you know that marine algae contain ANORGANIC form of iodine, even though it is a component of nature?
In the nature, many organic forms of iodine are found exclusively in marine fish organisms. As a result, coastal inhabitants suffer from lesser iodine deficiency than from inland areas. Unfortunately, it is necessary to say that despite this fact, the lack of the iodine is the problem of the entire human population.
Let us introduce our new product to the market: JODERMAL® veterinary ointments with organic form of iodine
Veterinary ointments with organic form of iodine have a local antiseptic, antiflogistic, hyperstimulatory effect. They improve blood circulation, reducing inflammation and swelling at the site of administration.